Nothing changes without a conversation.
We make HardTalk™ easier.

Poor communication costs companies up to $62.4 million a year.

And yet many organisations fail to prioritise building a culture which supports open and honest communication. One where people feel able to speak up without fear, and channel conflict into change.

It’s not easy to build a culture like this, but it is possible.

The bottom line is: Without it, your bottom line suffers.

The most successful organisations are built on a culture of kind candour - one which empowers employees to hear and be heard more effectively, in a tolerant and respectful way. Even when the conversations that need to be had are difficult; whether letting a direct report know that they’re underperforming, disagreeing with your boss on a strategic initiative or even telling a colleague they smell bad. Nothing changes without a conversation, and yet despite caring about making good, implementable workplace decisions, many people still don’t speak up - in fact, 70 percent of people when faced with conflict choose to ignore it.

HardTalk™ is a certified, modular, blended programme that can significantly improve the performance of your company by teaching individuals and teams the communication skills to combat an all too common problem; how to have difficult conversations.

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"I highly recommend this workshop, take it and you will never regret it."

Yasir Elhaggaz

Team Lead – IT Support Services at Sidra Medical and Research Center, ITIL

"Dawn is straight talking, knowledgeable, passionate, and a truly authentic thought leader in her field."

Conor Molloy

Associate Director of Client Services

"Difficult conversations are all around us in our everyday lives, personal and professional, and I know that my take-aways from HardTalk will stay with me for years to come."

Thouraya Sayess

Executive & Personal Coach

"HardTalk made a big impact on me."

Kosta Bitopoulos


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